LIBRARY hours: Week of March 24, 2024
MONDAY: 1:00 pm – 6:00 pm
TUESDAY: 1:00 PM – 6:00 PM
WEDNESDAY 1:00 PM – 6:00 PM
THURSDAY 1:00 PM – 6:00 PM
FRIDAY 1:00 PM – 6:00 PM
Oriskany Public Library board meeting will take place on Tuesday April 22, 2025 at 6pm.

AARP will offer a two-day Driver Safety Program, the Smart Driver, which will be co-sponsored by the Oriskany Public Library at 621 Utica St, Oriskany NY. Pre-registration is required. Sessions will be held on Wednesdays and Thursdays each month. The next classes are: March 19 & 20, April 16 & 17, May 14 & 15, 2025 June 18 & 19, July 9 & 10, and August 27 & 28, 2025 from 9:30 am – 12:30 pm. A reservation may be made by calling Kim Macera, Library Manager at (315) 736-2532. Please send check or money order (Payable to AARP) one week prior to the class to: Oriskany Public Library PO Box 428 Oriskany, NY 13424. The course fees are $25.00 for AARP Members or $30.00 for Non-AARP Members.

In the event that the Oriskany Central School District is closed for inclement weather, unsafe weather conditions or an emergency; the Oriskany Public Library will be closed as well.
Thank you to everyone who supported The Oriskany Public Library in Mohawk Valley Gives, a 24hr giving movement, on September 20, 2024! Not only did we receive $645.00 from our very generous community members; we also received a $67.00 prize from M&T Bank and $100.00 prize from Staffworks.
Knitting & Crochet Club – have you ever been interested in learning how to knit or crochet? Or just knit and crochet while chatting with others that are interested in the same hobby? Here is your chance! Whether you are a newbie or an expert, come join us at the Oriskany Public Library on Mondays at 1:00 pm- 3:00 pm. We will have an instructor here with supplies to get started. The class is free and open to the public. Please call and reserve your seat today at (315) 736-2532 or stop in, everyone’s always welcome!
Please join us tonight Thursday September 5th 2024 at 5pm for a conversation regarding a grant we received from ALA LTC-Accessible Small and Rural Communities for $10,000.00 and listen to what the library proposed and if you the community are in favor of or would like to share your opinion on what best fits you and our library. There will be light refreshments.
do you need help & stress free studying, final paper review, prepare for ged, reach your goals-act & sat jump start job searching an much more: Something new is being offered through the Mid-York library system starting September 1, 2024 – Free for one year. See below

https://www.creativebug.com/lib/midyork—Creativebug.com has thousands of award-winning art & craft video classes taught by recognized design experts and artists.

Please click the below button to donate to the Oriskany Public Library. Thank you for your support!
Photography and Videography Policy
While appreciating the photogenic qualities inherent in their design, libraries remain working institutions whose primary mission remains to serve the needs of its patrons. As such, this policy is intended to protect library users who may be endangered or inconvenienced by having their photo or video image taken in the library, while encouraging media and others to use cameras in a way which would help communicate the library’s mission and promote the beauty and uniqueness of the buildings in the Oriskany Public Library.
In order to provide all the library’s customers with the safest and most pleasant library experience, those wishing to use cameras and/or recording equipment within the Oriskany Public Library facilities must request before photographing or videotaping of a patron(s) must have both the verbal permission of the patron(s) and a written release signed in advance by each patron(s) and/or legal guardian. Those not following this policy may be asked to put away their equipment or leave the facility.
Library access by photographers may be limited either by time constraints or to specific areas depending upon such impact or effect such sessions could have upon other library users.
Oriskany Public Library staff has the right to photograph, film and record library events and customers for promotional use only in print, online and video. Visitors to the library, or anyone participating in any library event being captured on film or by photograph, will be advised verbally or through signage that their participation acts as consent to being photographed, filmed or recorded, unless they indicate otherwise to library staff.
The above policy applies only to open, public events. Closed events such as class visits would require releases and/or permissions from the supervisor of the visiting organization.
The Oriskany Public Library Board meets every fourth Tuesday of the month at 6pm; unless otherwise specified.
We are looking for volunteers to be our “Friends of our library.” You would serve a 5 year term and provide oversight, governance, advocacy support and financial management to the organization. The commitment includes monthly board and committee meetings as scheduled by the respective committee chairs. Members are expected to commit time to serve on one or more of the following committees, i.e.: book sales, membership, marketing, finance, nominations, and community events. Friends groups raise funds for special library programs or services, advocate for library services, volunteer with children’s summer reading programs, sponsor National Library Week events, and other activities. Friends groups are citizens who join together to support, improve, and promote our local library.
We are looking for community members interested in volunteering to be on the Oriskany Library Board of Trustees. Most of us understand that our public libraries in the United States are funded by tax dollars and staffed by trained librarians, who take care of the day-to-day tasks of running a library and planning for the future. But who has a say in library policy, budgeting, and the direction of a public library? That would be your library’s board of trustees, who ideally represent the community that your library serves. Who they are and what they do for the community should be something that all citizens and library users are aware of because, while they might not work in your public library, they can have a big impact on how it is run. If interested in applying; please send an email including your name, address, phone number and a brief summary about yourself to: oriskany@midyork.org by January 27, 2025 We will present your interest to the board at our January 28, 2025meeting.
Oriskany Public Library By-laws: see article 2 section 4 effective September 22, 2020 to update trustees’ term from 2 year to 5 year terms to 3 year to 5 year terms; per vote by the OPL board at 6pm on Sept. 22, 2020.
Oriskany Public Library By-laws: see page 11 under Fines and Notices to the change effective September 26, 2023; the board passed at the September 26, 2023 at the OPL board meeting at 6pm; we are now a fine free library. But, once at item has been overdue for 30 days, that item is considered lost, and the borrower is charged the full replacement cost of the item to their account.
Thank you to all that have donated your used goods! We’ve received a total of $8,950–
from December 2019-Febraury 2025